Introduction: (mostly) 3D Printed Missive Connect Puzzle

I wealthy person always been a fan of board games rather than computer games, interacting with other people in real sprightliness beingness one of the best parts for ME.

I think it can besides benefit children, who can exercise their vocabulary finished this gage only people of all ages lavatory delight the fun.

For the making of this project, I was elysian by several word android games (thither are hundreds of them :) ) and their divergent variants, so the thought was to create a literal-life version of this kind of games.

So because I am making it, I keister make it however I the like, choosing the size, the shapes, the colors, the font.

This game is a simple notwithstandin genuinely playfulness ambitious halt that consists of more often than not 3D printed parts, as you will see in the next ill-use. Equal though information technology has much a simple construction, easygoing to make (but a 3D printer, owned by you operating theatre a Friend, is kind of requirement) information technology's suitable for many entertaining game scenarios, as you will soon take.

Measure 1: Construction

For the construction of the game I firstly used some 3D printed parts:

  • A hard of 100 letters;
  • The body and the support of the game;

The only part that is non 3D printed is a disk made of transparent acrylic incarnate with a diameter of 150mm and a thickness of 3mm which Acts as a report.

In a firstborn phase I thought I would use for letters some shaping beads that keister be found in DIY jewelry stores

they are relatively cheap but for deuce reasons I had to hand over them upwardly in the end:

  • They are not of the best tone, in the sense that the printing of the letters is defective (it can be seen in the photo);
  • The diameters of the beads are really small (7 mm), hard to read and uneven.

I wanted some shapes with beautiful, clear letters that were easy to read, so I had to make them myself :)

The STL files for the first deuce-ac components are along Tinkercad.

The discs with letters are 12mm in diameter and I printed them with white material for the discs, respectively unclean for the letters. For this, ahead opening the layer at a height of 5mm I put 'pause' printing in the g-code generated by the slicer so I was Be able to alter the printing material spool with which I impress (from white to black) How you edit de g-write in code, how you make this pause in your slicer depends a great deal on what printer and what software you use. I have an Anet A2 with microcode updated to Marlin (1.1.6) and Repetier Host so I needed to put @pause bidding before I started printing the forward letters layer at a 5mm tallness. I also want to mention that I used 0.2 mm for the height of the printing layer (0.3mm for the first layer) and 20% infill. To cause my living easier I printed the letters in tetrad equal parts (as in photo supra), while I was printing the following group I already cleansed the previous one.

I would like to draw your attention to the right smart I designed the letters. Maybe you didn't know but you can use your preferred font in Tinkercad for diverse texts, I followed this howto and the font I used is Baloo.

You may be wondering why exactly 100 varsity letter discs (of which there are cardinal discs with asterisks as jokers!). I put-upon exactly the number of letters utilised in the classic scrabble game. The purpose of the game is to compile words and if I had victimised some random letters I'm trustworthy the game would be unplayable. The distribution of letters in scrabble is made so that you are able to make American Samoa many words as possible. I utilised the standard English distribution only I had a small job with a figuring error. The diam of 150 millimeter for the part where the letters are set is a bit small, 100 letters cannot be mixed properly. And then I gave up a few vowels (E- 4 pieces, A - 3 pieces, I - 3 pieces, O - 2 pieces, U - 1 put together). Primarily photograph are the whole set of letters but in the video there are fewer, without the vowels I enrolled supra

You fire adapt the game to your inbred terminology using the distributions accordant to this wikipedia article.

The letters could be grouped sol that they are printed in different colours (say black, red ink, super, blue), in this way you can assign scores to different letters generating wads to various words, really similar to the doodle plot.

Of course, everything can be written in other sizes, you can easily edit the files on Tinkercad.

I printed the body of the secret plan with black material. But I chose to print the support in white for a nice contrast :) The height of the impression layer is non critical, I used 0.3 mm.

The sizing of the acrylic saucer fits the body so that when mounting it enters snugly into its slot, that way I didn't need to glue it. There is a jam on the lateral of the body in which I can insert a thin object (which does non scratch the acrylic paint worldly) and I dismiss push out the disc from its place, to convert the set of letters put across for example...

Step 2: Let's Gambol!

We can imagine several game scenarios, but they are all based happening the possibility of composition words by reading the letters in any direction, one after the other, merely only on those letters whose discs touch.

So escape fro the halting well so cast it in the stand:

-Scenario 1

In a given time, each histrion writes on his sheet the words he discovers, then the lists are curbed, the words that appear on 2 or more lists are trim back ofand the player with the most original words wins.

-Scenario 2

Players find wrangle consisting of three OR more letters successively and the one who can no more find a Word loses the halting

-Scenario 3

Players try to find in turn different words from the ones that were found, simply for each one missive is a point (or more points if we use letters of different colours and default score) and the longer the word is the more points it is worth, the player who has the most points when actor's line are no yearner found wins.

And because this type of puzzle can be very successful in children ...

-Scenario 0

As the child learns the alphabet, we add letters to the pose and help him come up words. This scenario can embody a good exercise in enriching children's vocabulary.

And you can see many other scenarios ...

Downstairs you feature a video in which you can consider the list of the words that I plant at a moment. Force out you find more? :)

And when you're tired, you can display it on the desk because IT looks good as a decoration too, right? (As in the main photo)

Step 3: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this article, I would like to see as more of you as possible making this fiddle-shaped game, and spending a fun time playing it.

I look forward to your comments and questions.

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