
how to create magnesium oil and coconut oil

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If you are anything like me then you may have not even heard about magnesium oil and why its so awesome. I had no idea about the benefits of magnesium or how many people are deficient in magnesium!

Personally, the only reason I started using it was because I started getting these horrible leg cramps at night during pregnancy so after a bit of dr. googling it up I realized I was deficient in magnesium. I decided to give magnesium oil spray a try as a natural remedy for leg cramps. Not only DID IT WORK, but I realized that there are so many AWESOME benefits of magnesium oil during my research!

So many in fact, that I decided to write a guide about everything you need to know about magnesium oil!

(ps make sure you go all the way to the end of the post to see the tips for using magnesium oil & a super easy 2 ingredient DIY magnesium oil spray recipe!)

Are You Deficient in Magnesium?

The safe answer is probably, because it is super common to have a magnesium deficiency these days. Many common substances such as caffeine and sugar deplete the body of magnesium. It is also said that our water and food are less abundant in magnesium now than they used to be. This is due to soil depletion and the use of fluoride in water.  Stress can also deplete magnesium, and with what feels like everyone feeling more stressed than they should, that leads us to magnesium deficiency being a common issue.

Here are some of the common magnesium deficiency symptoms to keep an eye out for:

  • Muscle Spasms and Cramps – as mentioned this was what made me realize I had a magnesium deficiency during pregnancy. Holy Moly those cramps at night can hurt!
  • Anxiety & Depression read more about the research on this at science direct
  • Insomnia
  • TMJ
  • Headaches
  • Hormone Issues – I experienced this first hand! The higher the estrogen or progesterone levels in a woman's body, the lower the magnesium (pregnancy anyone?). This is what lead the leg cramps in pregnancy for me. (Magnesium benefits men too though!)

Benefits of Magnesium Oil

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Improved Sleep

If you have a deficiency in magnesium then supplementing your levels will likely lead to deeper, improved sleep. Magnesium has been referred to as "the ultimate relaxation mineral". For this reason, even if you are using magnesium oil for another reason, it is recommended to apply it right before bed for an extra relaxing sleep and get the maximum benefits of magnesium. Magnesium and sleep go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Update (sept 30th, 2018):I have now been using magnesium oil for over a year. I put it on before bed every night and notice a major difference in my sleep quality on nights I do not use it. Magnesium Oil Spray helps me fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Reduced Pain

This is incredible, especially considering how many people depend on painkillers which can be super harsh on their body. Magnesium Oil is totally natural and has the same ability to treat pain, even chronic. It can relieve aches, pains, & spasms.

"A new study in The Journal of Physiology showed that magnesium helps to calm NDMA – a chemical that, when stimulated, creates pain." – read more

Treats Muscle Cramps & Spasms

Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle tissues to stiffen which leads to the cramps or spasms. Due to its relaxing properties, using magnesium oil can reverse this. Personally, I found that once I started using magnesium oil I didn't have any more night leg cramps or spasms (win!). I also noticed that my restless legs syndrome calmed right down.  I would attribute that to the relaxing properties of magnesium oil as well.  (Restless legs syndrome is another strange pregnancy symptom that I experienced).

Update (sept 4th, 2017): I just went on holiday for a week and (foolishly) didn't pack my magnesium oil. By night number 3 my leg cramps were back! I got them every night until I got home and used my magnesium oil again. Obviously not a scientific trial, but I'm officially convinced it works!

Another painful condition that i've struggled with is TMJ, which is largely attributed to clenching/tension in the jaw. A magnesium deficiency can lead to tense, spastic muscles so ensuring you are not deficient in Magnesium can help alleviate TMJ symptoms as well. Magnesium helps TMJ by relaxing the muscles in your jaw.

Relieves Stress & Tension

Since magnesium is excreted in the urine when we're stressed, replenishing it can provide some relief from stress & tension.

"It's a major anti-anxiety agent, and it actually works because it quiets down the excitability of nerves, not only in our muscles and our heart, but also in our brain," explains Gundry." – read more

Hydrates & Improves Skin

In studies regarding magnesium oil uses, magnesium has been shown to break apart different fats and oils. Therefore, it can help aid in reducing skin oiliness. So, how about magnesium oil for acne? Since oily skin is also a major reason that we break out in acne, it then stands to reason that using magnesium oil can help to reduce acne.   Benefits ofMagnesiumalso include its stress-relieving abilities, which can help to reduce stress-related skin irritations such as acne and rosacea.

Relieves Constipation

Yup, magnesium is great for digestion and if you have trouble with constipation, then start supplementing with magnesium ASAP.

Wondering what the best type of magnesium to supplement with is? Keep reading!

4 Things You NEED to Know About Magnesium Oil! Pin Now, Read Later :)

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How To Supplement Magnesium Levels

So, your convinced that you want to increase your magnesium levels, great!

There are a few ways to make it happen.  Magnesium supplements come in a few different forms, so please choose which is best for your lifestyle.

Magnesium Dietary sources

Foods high in magnesium:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Yogurt
  • Almonds
  • Chocolate (YAY!)
  • Avocado
  • Bananas

The issue is that many researchers are now saying that our soil has become depleted in magnesium.  That means less of this vital mineral is making its way into our food sources.  Things like drinking coffee & alcohol can also reduce your absorption of magnesium. Researc shows that about "80% of Americans may be deficient in magnesium. So clearly we're not getting enough through diet alone." read more

Magnesium Vitamin (in pill form)

This is always an option, but taking magnesium this way can irritate the bowel and lead to loose bowel movements. It also doesn't get absorbed as well as possible.  "Experts estimate that magnesium absorption in the digestive system ranges from 20-55%, depending on the source, meaning that half or more of the magnesium leaves the body as waste." read more

Spray Magnesium Oil Topically

This is the the way I have chosen to use it and my favourite option. The magnesium moves directly into the blood and tissues, replenishing the body's needed magnesium stores more quickly and bypassing the kidneys.

Also, using this method the body only absorbs what it needs. So it is difficult to over do it with magnesium oil spray which is a great. If you use the spray you also do not have to worry about magnesium dosage as your body will only absorb what it needs.

You can either put the spray on a specific area of your body that is experiencing pain to help relax those specific muscles, or if you are supplementing in general, anywhere works!

For example when i'm using magnesium for tmj I put the magnesium oil on my jaw and neck. When I'm using magnesium oil for restless legs I put it on my calfs.

This is the brand of magnesium oilI use which is 100% natural! I LOVE IT).

Tips for Using Magnesium Oil Spray

      1. It can burn when you apply it. The first time I sprayed it on it my skin holy moly did it burn! In retrospect I think its because my skin was really dry. It actually hurt and it scared me away from using it for about a week. Then I got another one of my leg cramp spasms at night so decided to brave it again and it really wasn't that bad. I found that applying the magnesium oil spray with coconut oil is perfect. If its burning, just add a bit more coconut oil and it goes away in about 30 seconds.
      2. Apply the magnesium oil spray before bed to take advantage of the relaxation benefits of magnesium. No need to wash it off, leave it to absorb.
      3. I use about 5 sprays total, and focus on the areas where i'm trying to relieve pain, so for me, I put a couple sprays on my neck (always full of tension and aches), a spray on my lower back, and then a couple more sprays on my calfs, where I get the leg cramps. I then rub it in to make sure it absorbs.
    1. Don't apply magnesium oil spray to any areas where you have cuts, wounds or have recently shaved – it will sting like crazy and make it feel like your skin is burning.4 Things You NEED to Know About Magnesium Oil! Pin now, read later :) Click here to buy Magnesium Oil Spray on Amazon and help support this Blog.

how to make magnesium oil, diy magnesium oil spray, benefits of magnesium oil,  magnesium oil benefits, Magnesium Chloride Vs Magnesium Sulfate

How To Make Magnesium Oil At Home

Ok, making magnesium oil is super easy. Like ridiculous. I started out buying the spray, but decided to try making it and its so easy that I'm a convert and DIY my Magnesium oil spray now! Its also cheaper, which is always a plus!

I use magnesium chloride for this recipe. If you have epsom salts at home you may be wondering if you can use those instead and the answer is no. Epsom salts are magnesium sulphate and it is better to use magesium chloride as it is much better suited to topical use as it is higher quality and more available to the body.

Magnesium Chloride Vs Magnesium Sulfate

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Ingredients for Magnesium Oil Spray:

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  • half a cup of magnesium chloride flakes. ( I use these ones )
  • half a cup of boiling water

Instructions to Make DIY Magnesium Oil Spray:

  • slowly pour boiling water into bowl of magnesium chloride flakes stirring as you go. Only pour in enough water so that the flakes dissolve. This will ensure that the magnesium oil is the maximum strength. You may not need the full half a cup.
  • Once the mixture has cooled, pour it into a resuable spray bottle.

Done & Done. SO EASY! The bag of magnesium chloride flakes that I use will make about three 8oz bottles of magnesium oil spray for a fraction of the cost of what the magnesium spray costs, so its worth it to save a bit of cash!

Questions? Drop them in the comments below!

how to create magnesium oil and coconut oil


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